Have you ever seen yourself as a sinner whom God can never forgive for a sin or crime you committed?
I have been there. My dear friends, i use to see God as that mighty man up there sitting with a pen and paper and a big stick, writing down all the sins that i have committed and waiting to hit me with that stick and send me to hell. I used to e very scared of God and even afraid to go closer to him. And so i held myself that God will see that i am truly repentant and that is when He is going to forgive me. My dear brethren that is a lie.
God will only forgive you if you forgive your own self. So Long as you don’t forgive yourself, God will never forgive you. You can hold yourself captive for the rest of your life, you will die and go to hell. God will not forgive you if you don’t forgive yourself.
God is not that father in heaven who is writing down all your sins and waiting jus to send you to hell. Wipe that picture from your mind. God is a loving father, opening arms to receive you the moment you forgive yourself and run and come back to Him. He will pamper you and tell you that my child, why have you been imprisoning yourself for all these number of yours? Come to me and I will give you peace because you are perfect in your imperfections.
We realize that the holiest of Holy people sin at least seven times a day so why do you keep beating up yourself because you think that God cannot forgive? Forgive yourself and run up to God whose arms are open waiting for you to come to him as a child. Know that God is in you, working through you, with you and by you so He will never abandon you.
If you want to grow into your full potentials, you must love yourself. One way to love yourself is to forgive yourself. Stop looking at your past. You can not be going forward while you keep looking backwards. You will either stumble and fall or you miss your track. Your past does not define your future.
You might have committed some mistakes that now makes you feel guilty, full of shame and regret. I want to tell you that no one is perfect. Don’t allow anyone define your life by your past mistakes. Who has not made a mistake before? Who does not have scares? Who is perfect? I prefer to start and make mistakes than not to start at all.
Identify a General who has stars, and i will show you a general who has scars and is hiding them.
You are important, stop collaborating with your prosecutors in the court of life.
- You can not afford to keep your life on hold
- Yo can not afford to be your own greatest judge and persecutor.
- You can not afford to forgive others and you refuse to forgive yourself.
- You can not afford to deny yourself that freedom.
- Keep believing in yourself.
- Bless yourself and see how you will blossom.