These are strategies that will help you to discover who you are and the purpose for which you were created.
(1) Use your time wisely and constructively.
Strive to become productive i life. Instead of using your time on meaningless things like watching Novelas Tv, use it to learn new skills. Read self-help books, watch educative, motivational and inspiration videos, attend seminars and webinars. Look for a coach that will help you discover who you are. Set aside money that you will invest in yourself education.
2) Don’t Doubt Yourself.
Believe in yourself and in your ability to learn new things. If you stop believing in yourself you will kill your dream. If you have a dream, you must see it into reality. Dream big, but start small. Learn as much as you can and never stop learning.
(3) Guard your self – talk.
Encourage yourself more with positive self talk such as I am bold, I am audacious I am intelligent, I can, I am capable, I am beautiful. Each time you catch yourself say I can’t or I am poor turn around and say the positive affirmation. See yourself as a person of great importance and that you are capable of adding value to others. If you want to change your life, you need to change the way you see and think about yourself.
Push yourself to become the person you are destined to become. Lisa Nicoles says, if you want to get the results you have never gotten, you have to do the things you have never done before. Remember that something you will fail but the only way you will be a failure is if you stopped pushing yourself forward and stopped trying.
Dear friends, the journey into self – discovery is not a one day event. It is a journey of a continuous walk through hills, valleys and mountain tops. It is not a passive endeavor, but an active pursuit. It demands dedication consistency and internationality. Oh yes, you have to be intentional about your transformation.
It is not an external journey either. It is a journey to unlock and ignite the unlimited talents and potentials within you that have been deposited there by God. The question I ask of you is, are you ready to embark on this journey of unleashing the potentials found within you.
- Are you ready to invest in yourself?
- Are you willing to sacrifice the time used in watching meaningless films to read self-help books?
- Are you will to forgo that beautiful dress you saw in the market the previous day and use the money for coaching?
- Are you ready to take some time off and learn a new skill?
- Are you willing to start today, now on the road to personal development?
If you want today to be better than yesterday, and tomorrow to be better than today, learn something new today. Develop something in your life, to make it better it is today.