By Ebot Patience.

Believe In Yourself.

Wake up in the morning, look at yourself in the mirror and say, I am beautiful, Smart, Significant and important. It doesn’t matter what others think about me, I am not inferior. The Bible says in Job 13:2 ”What you know I know, I am not inferior to you.

Invest Into Yourself.

Go back to school if necessary, Take online courses, look for a coach or a master, read self help books and attend seminars, webinars, listen to tapes on you tube, all these will help you.

Like yourself just the way you are, You need to celebrate yourself. Don’t wait for others to celebrate you. You are a pillar, you are meant to standup. They are not meant to stay on the floor. Stop belittling yourself and feeling inferior, no woman is ugly.

Package yourself well, look good makeup your face, put on powder and lipstick. Exercise your body, decide to loose some weight. Get up easily and do some walking, stretches eat good food and avoid eating too much starchy food. Eat more fruit and vegetables.

Drink enough water at least 1.5 Litters a day. Take care of your body and your body will take care of you. You must keep believing in yourself, loving and developing yourself. You must become the best version of you.

Go, girl….Go, grow and become better.

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