Deep within you lies greatness waiting to rise. You are not here just to exist, you are here to excel. You are not here to settle for you are here to soar. Yet too often, we shrink our dreams silence our ambitions and stay remain stuck in the shadows of self doubt. I am here to tell you, you are meant for more.
You are meant for more than mediocrity . Just like an eagle isn’t meant to walk with pigeons, you aren’t meant to walk with pigeons, you aren’t meant to live below your potentials. Raise higher, dream bigger reach further.
Your are meant for more than fear. Fear is a cage but courage is the key. Fear whispers ”what if i fail? but self belief shouts ” what if i fly? There is a need for you try, trust the process and you will definitely triumph. You are meant for more than the past. Your pass is a lesson not a life sentence. Like a seed breaking the soil, you are growing, evolving and becoming. Learn, grow and rise from it.
You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it. Believe in your brilliance and boldness. When you step into your power you inspire others to do the same.
Self-Love is acceptance. Love your flaws, embrace your imperfections and celebrate your uniqueness. You are enough, worthy and valuable. It is self respect. Set boundaries, speak kindly to yourself and walk away from what no longer serves you. Protect your peace prioritize your happiness and pursue your dreams.
Self-Love is self growth. Invest in your mind, nurture your soul and challenge yourself to become better. Read, learn and grow more. Loving yourself is the beginning of a life long romance. Oscar Wilde once said; ”Love yourself loudly, proudly and unapologetically because when you love yourself, you teach the world how to love you in return.
I urge you to love yourself unconditionally. So today you have to choose your own self. Choose self love.